How do I setup the LibKey Nomad browser extension?

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that provides easy access to full-text articles that IU Southeast subscribes to.  You can access scholarly articles online wherever you start your research (Wikipedia, PubMed, publisher pages, and more)  –

  1. From the browser of your choice (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge, Brave, or Vivaldi), go to
  2. Choose “Get LibKey Nomad Now” or scroll down to choose your web browser.
  3. Click on the download button next to your preferred browser.  This will take you directly to the LibKey Nomad page in the browser’s web store.
  4. Follow the browser’s instructions to install the (free) extension – for example, clicking on “Add to Chrome” will install LibKey Nomad in Google Chrome.

Tada!  You now have the LibKey Nomad browser extension added. 

  1. You should be prompted to select your organization – type in IUS (or Indiana University Southeast) and select us from the dropdown menu.

LibKey Nomad Select Organization Example

You should then see our logo listed –

LibKey Nomad - IU Southeast Access

Now, when you’re searching online for scholarly sources, you can check for access through the Library using the LibKey Nomad article link (don’t ever pay for research!)

Example of a LibKey Nomad link

Answered By: Kate Ziady
Last Updated: May 14, 2024    Views: 45